Morning Star of Highlands County, Inc.

About Us
About Us
Contact Us

Here's a little bit about us:

Our Staff

 There are no paid employees at this organization. We are run by a volunteer Program Director and a volunteer Board of Directors.
All of your donations and contributions go directly to those who need them.

Sandra Billings, LCSW


Sandra Billings, LCSW is our Program Director. Sandra is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 30 years of counseling experience. She loves the outdoors, gardening and helping people.

Our Services

Financial Asssitance
Holiday Assistance
Budget Assistance
Counseling Services
Special Community Events
(all services are based on availabiltity at the time)

All of our services are determined on an individual basis, according to need and participation by the applicant. Morning Star is meant to be a hand up, rather then a hand out. Participants must be willing to "give back" in some form to be eligible for services.They may be asked to make phone calls, stock shelves, cut coupons, stuff envelopes, type or volunteer in another way. Financial coaching is a requirement for services. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime. Services are not solely based on income, but more importantly on circumstances.

Services are by appointment only. No walk-ins will be served.

Our Address is 930 West Main Street, Avon Park, Florida, 33825. Please use our map for driving directions.

Enter your starting address:
Street Address: 
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Morning Star of Highlands County, Inc.,  930 West Main Street, Avon Park, Florida 33825 (863) 453-4161